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This list defines a keybind.

  1. To use create a button in either regular or advanced creation mode.
  2. Long press the button until the button settings popup appears.
  3. Type in the desired keybind into the text space.
  4. close the menu and click “Save” then “Deploy” if in normal create or open the right slide menu and click “Save” then “Deploy”

Keybinds have several modifiers which can modify their behavior. Using multiple modifiers can cause unexpected behavior. This list defines the behavior of each modifier

“&” Modifier (normal & sticky): This allows for more than one button to be clicked at a time. Place in between keybinds within the text edit area.

“:” Modifier (normal): This allows for a “debounce” effect where one button is clicked normally but another button is clicked when released. Place in between keybinds within the text edit area.

Xbox Keybinds (w/ Premuim Feature)

Directional Pad Upxup, x_up, xbox_dpad_up, xbox_up, xu
Direction Pad Downxdown, x_down, xbox_dpad_down, xbox_down, xd
Directional Pad Leftxleft, x_left, xbox_dpad_left, xbox_left, xl
Directional Pad Rightxright, x_right, xbox_dpad_right, xbox_right, xr
Start Buttonxstart, xbox_start, xboxstart
Back Buttonback, xbox_back, xboxback
Left Thumb Buttonx_left_thumb_button, xbox_left_thumb_button, xleftthumbbutton, xboxleftthumbbutton, xthumbbutton, xlftthumbbtn, x_lft_thumb_btn, xbox_lft_thumb_btn, xboxlftthumbbtn, xltb, xlsb, xljb, xlj
Right Thumb Buttonx_right_thumb_button, xbox_right_thumb_button, xrightthumbbutton, xboxrightthumbbutton, xrghtthumbbtn, x_rght_thumb_btn, xbox_rght_thumb_btn, xboxrghtthumbbtn, xrtb, xrsb, xrjb, xrj
Left Shoulder Buttonxleftshoulder, xbox_left_shoulder, xls, xlb
Right Shoulder Buttonxrightshoulder, xbox_right_shoulder, xrs, xrb
Guide Buttonxbox_guide, xboxguide
A Buttonxa, xbox_a, xboxa
B Buttonxb, xbox_b, xboxb
X Buttonxx, xbox_x, xboxx
Y Buttonxy, xbox_y, xboxy
Key NameKey Bind List
SpaceSpace, Sp
tabtab, tb
left shiftshift, leftshift, lshift
right shiftrightshift, rshift
enter keyenter
left alternatealtl, alternate_left, lalt
right alternatealtr, alternate_right, ralt
number locknumlock, numl
backspacebackspace, bksp
caps lockcaps, capslock, caplock
escape keyescape, esc
left controllctrl, leftcontrol, ctrll, ctrl, control
right controlrctrol, rightcontrol, ctrlr
home keyhome, hm
insert keyins
delete keydelete, del
page uppageup, pgup
page downpagedown, gpdown
end keyend key
scroll lockscrolllock, scrlck
function keysf<key index>

Xbox Keybinds (w/ Premium Feature & Native Mode Only)

Right JoyStick (available only on JoyButtons)xrj
Left JoyStick (available only on JoyButtons)xlj
Left Triggerxlt
Right Triggerxrt

Keybinds Available on Native Mode

Mouse Control (available only on JoyButtons)mouse
Mouse Left Click (available on normal button) click, mouseclick, click, lc, left, left-click, clk, lclk
Mouse Right Click (available on normal button) rclick, rc, rightc, right-click, rclk, clkr